Amanda Holmes Teaches Time Management Secrets of Billionaires
One of the biggest barriers to success is finding enough time to manage different projects and implement new strategies.
To help leaders overcome this problem, Amanda Holmes, CEO at Chet Holmes International, shared her favorite time management secrets at this year’s XANT Sales Acceleration Summit.
Whether you’re overseeing a small sales team or directing the efforts of a large marketing organization, these simple secrets will drastically improve productivity and efficiency.
Step 1: Touch it once
Strong leaders are able to take immediate action. Imagine how much time you waste reading emails, putting them aside and then trying to find them again. If you face a task you can get done right away, do it. If not, make sure to file it away in an organized fashion so you can quickly retrieve it when necessary.
Step 2: Make a list
Every morning, Amanda recommends making a to-do list of everything you want to accomplish that day. Next, number those items so you know where you want to start and check them off as you go.
Step 3: Allocate time for each task
Once you’ve created and numbered your to-dos, decide how much time you will devote to those tasks.
Step 4: Plan your day
Now that you know what you’re working on and how much time you’ll spend, you can plan your day. Go into your calendar and mark things off. Be specific. Amanda even recommends setting time aside for things like emails. You can’t always be in a reactive mode or else you will be too easily sidetracked and not get to your tasks.’
Step 5: Prioritize
Amanda shares a story about her late father, Chet Holmes, while he was managing a dozen companies at once. Everyone was telling Chet to write a book, but he didn’t know where he’d find the time. He decided to designate an hour each Monday for the writing, and after two years, finally finished it. If you prioritize your time around the big projects, you’ll find time to work on smaller ones as well.
Step 6: Throw things away
How many things on your hard drive are simply taking up space? So many saved items are never referenced again. To help create more time for important tasks, you can’t be afraid to throw things away. Ask if everything you have is necessary. If not, toss it in the recycling bin.
You can watch Amanda’s full presentation, or any of our other sales summit speakers, on demand by registering today.
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