Looking for a first job? Thinking about changing jobs? Check out XANT. Here’s Why…
Last month there were 6 new hires. This month, I was one of 18 in the InsidesSales.com training class. Next month that number is likely to be even higher, so HR tells us. What the heck is going on here? They are hiring like crazy.
After spending about two weeks in the most amazing, confidence-building, on-boarding experience I’ve ever had – and I’ve worked at a number of technology companies both in Utah and the Bay Area – I can say from experience: This IS the place.
XANT is the place to be if you want to be a part of the next new thing. The company develops and delivers a sales automation, cloud-based platform to support the new, rapidly growing numbers of inside sales professionals, a trend quickly displacing the traditional outside sales force model.
What makes this scrappy group of eclectic entrepreneurs an appealing career choice is, well, the people … and their unabashed, infectious enthusiasm for their mission: to conquer their niche of the software universe and still find time for their workouts, bike rides, families and friends.
Think Silicon Valley meets Happy Valley, the latter being where one would expect to find a reasonable balance between work/life. (Ya hear that Thad, this may be the first pre-IPO, hi-tech job I’ve had in decades that actually gets me home before the moon rises over the Wasatch.) For those not versed in local Utah-lore, Happy Valley is the geographic region loosely associated with Orem/Provo and the BYU campus.
But back to the training class.You know how, when you are the newbie among the cube-dwellers, you tend to wander around the first several weeks or more, unable to speak the language of the natives. Well, the InsideSales training program addresses that. They have nailed the problem by making a huge, huge investment in each new hire – eight fact-filled, fire-hose drinking days of nothing but local culture, an office tour and product features taught by a steady stream of existing employees – some of whom have been around for years, others not so long – and the founding executives.
Imagine, on the first day of your job you actually know where the other departments are located and recognize a number of people you pass in the halls: “Hi Ian and thanks again for teaching me how to configure those ELF functions.” (Hint – ELF does not refer to short, little guys dressed in red and green felt and floppy hats.) Or “Tim, you did an outstanding job explaining how the ACD can be configured for rapid response to an inbound, digital lead.” (Hint – ACD is not a rock group.) See what I mean about learning to speak the native tongue.
Well gotta wrap this, so I can pick up the P’s flying in for my graduation day at InsideSales – just kidding. But hope you get the picture. InsideSales is unique – as a people, a work environment and in their commitment to clients and owning their space. If you aren’t excited by your job, or your current employer is looking a bit shaky these days, maybe you should consider applying. Start here…