Lead Generation and SEO – No Such Thing as Perfect Content?
I came across a great article by Stoney deGeyter that states when it comes to SEO Web content, there’s really no such thing as “perfect.”
There’s no “perfect” content page, no “perfect” landing page, no “perfect” fix for a Web site that turns it from a bland SEO performer into a conversion gem.
Other than split testing, “targeted tinkering,” and adapting a site as new technologies, audiences, and ideas show up, there’s no perfect way to do SEO.
And being what I consider to be a fairly proficient writer, I was both intrigued and disturbed by the proposition.
I mean, come on . . . surely there’s something on a Web site that we can point to and say, “Yup, we pretty much nailed that one.”
Isn’t there?
Isn’t that the point of being a writer at all? To come up with perfect prose, in the perfect spot, carrying the perfect message to the perfect audience?
Okay, so I’m being melodramatic here. And really, I think the point of the article is to remind us that nothing’s “perfect” because nothing is ever the right message to the right people all the time.
And I think it’s valuable for a sales organization to be reminded of this fact occasionally as well. Just about the time you’ve “perfected” your sales pitch, your collateral, your target market, it moves—45, 90, 180 degrees. All that “perfect” planning and training and material suddenly gets a little bit bent.
As deGeyter says, says, the real solution is not to be perfect, but genuine. Real. Your content should show a human side, let a few warts show through.
A sales close should be the same. What does it say to a prospect if you’re constantly trying to “impress” them with your “game face”? How do you feel at a party when someone starts shamelessly namedropping, or subliminally bragging about their paycheck, or car?
“Jeez, if they’re working this hard to impress me, what are they trying to hide?”
Marketing, SEO, lead management, sales management, the sales cycle, all of it, is about solving real problems for real people, not making “good impressions.”
You want to make a good impression in sales? Solve the problem.
“Perfection” in most things is unattainable—but showing genuine interest in someone else’s well-being and future is both charitable and good business strategy.
Simple, but true.