From Guessing to Guided as Told in Memes
The consumer experience has changed significantly. When smartphones hit the scene, data was used to understand our behaviors and provide more relevant content, and we, as buyers, became more independent with endless information at our fingertips.
Of course… the data isn’t always spot on.
B2B buyers are completely digital and in control.
Buyers are used to having the information and resources they need to build their own criteria. And they are harder to reach than ever.
Random acts of selling are inefficient and unpredictable. Reps guess at what’s important and what to do. Don’t be that guy:
Managers respond by getting them to just do more stuff, then call it productivity.
Don’t confuse busy with productive or effective. Waste scales as well.
Without process or insights, sellers target randomly and often target the wrong people altogether. They look busy, but it won’t lead to consistent results.
Too often reps get deep into a deal only to be surprised they haven’t looped in all the right people.
What they really need is not more, at first, but better. Then more of what works.
Use your selling time for, well selling. Move from guessing to guided.
Scale what works best.
Stop guessing. Start selling.
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