Attract the Ultimate Sales Executive to Run and Build Your Inside Sales Team

If you’re like most companies in the sales industry, your sales team is expanding and expanding fast. Chances are your sales department is moving towards a more inside sales model.

Whether you’re looking for a new executive to manage your inside sales team, or just looking to bring your current sales manager up to speed on the world of inside sales, this new eBook is a must-read.

The eBook, “Attract the Ultimate Executive to Run and Build your Inside Sales Team,” features tips from Ken Krogue, President and co-founder of XANT, and Trish Bertuzzi, President and Chief Strategist of The Bridge Group, Inc., that will get your sales team off to a great start – or jump start a stagnant team.

The eBook is based off of a webinar with the same name that can be accessed here: Also available are inside sales webinars addressing other best practices in the industry.

In the first part of the eBook, Trish outlines four steps that are necessary to attracting and hiring the ultimate sales executive:

Step 1: Scoping

“You can take a chance on a sales rep. You can never take a chance on an executive.”

Step 2: Recruiting

Learn how to pass the “sniff test” when recruiting an executive and what channels to marketing positions through.

Step 3: Evaluating

Learn best practices in interviewing and gauge the competency of a candidate.

Step 4: Onboarding

Remember,Trish says, after hiring an inside sales executive, it’s important that you let them do what you hired them to do: be strategic.

For a more in-depth discussion on how to attract a competent inside sales executive, download the eBook.

Also available in the eBook are several best practices from Ken Krogue focused on building an inside sales team. These best practices include topics such as: where to get leads, defining a selling model, developing sales compensation strategies, improving contact ratios, and many more.

Bridge Group, Inc and XANT eBook

Free eBook: Attract the Ultimate Executive to Run and Build Your Inside Sales Team

Gain access to XANT and The Bridge Group, Inc best practices from industry experts Ken Krogue and Trish Bertuzzi.

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