Upcoming Webinar – Growing Inside Sales Leaders: Research, Tips, and Best Practices
Ken Krogue will be joined by Trish Bertuzzi in presenting a webinar on November 15, 2012, featuring best practices to hire, recruit and onboard your next inside sales leader.
The presenters of the webinar, Ken Krogue and Trish Bertuzzi, are industry experts and will be sharing their knowledge of hiring and creating an inside sales culture. Trish is the President and Chief Strategist of The Bridge Group, Inc., an inside sales consulting and training organization. Ken, of course, is the President and co-Founder of XANT, the leading cloud-based sales automation provider for inside sales professionals.
The two-part webinar will be broadcast live on Thursday, November 15, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific / 1:00 p.m. Eastern. Register for the webinar now:
Part 1: How to Find, Recruit, & Onboard Your Next Leader of InsideSales
Part 2: Growing Inside Sales Leaders: Research, Tips, & Best Practices For a Culture of Performance
Those who attend the webinar will learn hiring best practices to increase sales performance including:
- Top questions to ask when interviewing prospect executives
- Experiences from industry experts in finding qualified applicants
- Increasing employee satisfaction through good hiring
- And much more
To gain access to past webinars and best practices from inside sales industry experts, visit the XANT webinar page.